Marine Genomics Lab

Students in the Marine Genomics Laboratory are encouraged to develop independent research with a focus on Functional Genomics, Population Genetics, or Evolutionary Analysis.

Picutre: Saltmarsh in Penobscot, Maine

We conduct experiments on common gardened populations caught in the wild. Picture: Rutger's University Marine Field Station Saltmarsh
Fundulus heteroclitus, a small teleost fish, live in saltmarshes along the east coast of the United States. The Marine Genomics Laboratory studies wild populations of this highly plastic and adaptable fish.

Laboratory of Marine Genomics at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science

We use Functional Genomic approaches to enhance knowledge about genes, gene expression and genetic adaptation. Marine genomics utilizes cutting edge technologies to define the differences within and among species.  We focus on the quantitative analyses of mRNA and protein expression and how the variation in these traits affect enzyme function, physiological performance and organism performance. Evolutionary analyses are used to define whether the variation in these traits is adaptively important.

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